The Spring Clinical Meetings (SCM) is the premiere educational event presented by the National Kidney Foundation (NKF).
The event is designed for interprofessional kidney health teams.
Travere at NKF Spring Clinical Meetings
Travere Therapeutics teams attended the National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings in Long Beach, CA.
Sparsentan (SPAR) as First-line Treatment of Incident Patients with IgA Nephropathy (IgAN): Findings From the SPARTAN Trial
Speakers: CK Cheung, S Moody, N Dhaun, S Griffin, A Howson, R Komers, A Mercer, M Sayer, S Sinha, L Willcocks, J Barratt
Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparisons of eGFR slopes in the PROTECT study with the UK RaDaR IgA Nephropathy population and the control arm of NefIgArd
Speakers: CK Cheung
Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparisons of eGFR slopes in the PROTECT study with the UK RaDaR IgA Nephropathy population and the control arm of NefIgArd
Speakers: Wu Gong, Ulysses Diva, Mark Bensink, Xinglei Chai, Yanwen Xie, Sophie Gao, Bruce Hendry, Alex Mercer, Zheng-Yi Zhou, Brad Rovin, Jonathan Barratt
Sparsentan vs Irbesartan in Patients With Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS): Results From the Phase 3 DUPLEX Trial
Speakers: Michele N. Rheault, Howard Trachtman, Ed Murphy, Radko Komers
Sparsentan Shows Clinically Meaningful Treatment Effects vs Irbesartan in Patients With IgA Nephropathy (IgAN) in the Phase 3 PROTECT Trial
Speakers: Brad Rovin, Jonathan Barratt, Edward Murphy, Rob Geletka, Radko Komers, Vlado Perkovic, on behalf of the DUPRO Steering Committee and PROTECT investigators
MA-DS-24-00015 | June 2024