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Posters FSGS

Sparsentan Improves Glomerular Endothelial and Podocyte Functions and Augments Protective Tissue Repair in a Mouse Model of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)


Development of a Treatment Response Prediction Strategy for Sparsentan in Glomerular Disease


Development of a Treatment Response Prediction Strategy for Sparsentan in Glomerular Disease


Effect of Multiple Doses of Sparsentan on the Single-Dose Pharmacokinetics of Dapagliflozin: Open-label Drug-Drug Interaction Study in Healthy Adults


Effect of Multiple Doses of Sparsentan on the Single-Dose Pharmacokinetics of Dapagliflozin: Open-label Drug-Drug Interaction Study in Healthy Adults

Posters FSGS

Sparsentan Improves Glomerular Blood Flow and Augments Protective Tissue Remodeling in Mouse Models of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)

Posters FSGS

Sparsentan for Treatment of Pediatric Patients With Selected Proteinuric Glomerular Diseases: Design of the Phase 2 EPPIK Study

Publications FSGS

Study Design of the Phase 3 Sparsentan Versus Irbesartan (DUPLEX) Study in Patients With Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis


Cochlear basement membrane pathology with lateral wall (stria vascularis & spiral ligament) dysfunction resulting in hearing loss can occur

Posters IgAN

The Dual Endothelin Type A Receptor (ETAR) and Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor (AT1R) Antagonist, Sparsentan, Protects Against the Development of Albuminuria and Glomerulosclerosis in the gddY Mouse Model of IgA Nephropathy


The Dual ETAR/AT1R Antagonist Sparsentan Slows Renal Disease, Improves Lifespan, and Attenuates Hearing Loss in Alport Mice: Comparison With Losartan


The Dual ETAR/AT1R Antagonist Sparsentan Slows Renal Disease, Improves Lifespan, and Attenuates Hearing Loss in Alport Mice: Comparison With Losartan

Posters IgAN

The Dual Endothelin Type A Receptor (ETAR) and Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor (AT1R) Antagonist, Sparsentan, Protects Against the Development of Albuminuria and Glomerulosclerosis in the gddY Mouse Model of IgA Nephropathy